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In 2025, SV Venray organises the 16th edition of the SV Venray Ladies Cup on June 6 and 7, a two-day football tournament for Ladies, Girls U20, Girls U17, Girls U15 and Girls U13. It's guaranteed going to be a fun and sportive end to the football season.

At the previous edition of the SV Venray Ladies Cup we welcomed 52 teams. In 2025 we will of course aim for this again! On the site you can find all entries per category and is updated regularly.

You can stay overnight!
During the tournament there is a supervised camping area at the sports park. You may bring your own tent, but renting a tent with a fixed floor is also possible. Accommodation is available for 1 or 2 nights. Most teams arrive on Friday night.

For a fully catered weekend, teams can join us for dinner on Friday night, a barbecue on Saturday night, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning and it is possible to book packed lunched on Saturday and Sunday. If your teams wishes to enjoy our catering, then please add these items on your registration form. 
Our canteen is opened the entire weekend for drinks, candy, french fries and much more!

Let's make it a festive weekend
Besides playing football all weekend, we will also host a party on both Friday and Saturday night. This is open to all participating players and staff on presentation of their wristband. All members of SV Venray are also welcome both nights. They need to show their club card at the entrance.
We will not serve or sell alcohol to people under the age of 18. Something which will be closely monitored during the SV Venray Ladies Cup.

Booking or more information
All prices are listed on our registration form. You can also use this form to sign up for the tournament, book your overnight stay and dining options.

End the football season with a bang together with your teammates! Quickly register for one of the country's most enjoyble ladies and girls football tournament: the SV Venray Ladies Cup!!

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SV Venray Ladies Cup