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SV Venray Cup Games

The SV Venray Youth Cup will be conducted on 3 and 4 June 2023.
The Saturday Evening Programm is published!
Whats the venue?

De SV Venray Cup Games!
All teams follow a course of 10 fun games. Take the challenge or just join in for fun! Are you and your ream going to be the winners? Because of course there are prizes to be won!

What games do we have?
The coolest part .... do you know the program WipeOut !?
Well our Games are similar. We are going to build a huge assault course. This 30 meter long course is a true challenge which is full of challenging obstacles: jumping, climbing over and through the high wall, high climbing slope (up to 6 meters high !!) and a "big roll".

The Goal?
Bring as many balls as possible to the finish with your team. Of course there are also other assignments, activities and games! Think of tug of war, walking on a giant ball, skill games and much more. Perseverance and cooperation is of great importance!

We want to participate; what shoudl we do?
There is a special column on our registration fom. Fill out the form and stipulate the ammount of teams you want to register.
Particpation to the games is free for Tournaments participants. Each team should comprise 10 players.

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